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ACSM-GEI Exam Questions
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In terms of hospitality, what is the 10 and 5 rule?
At 10 feet, the GEI should acknowledge the approaching member and cease their current conversation or activity. At 5 feet, the GEI should acknowledge the member with a nod or smile and give an appropriate verbal greeting.
The GEI should maintain a distance of at least 10 feet between themselves and clients while teaching class. The GEI should maintain a distance of 5 feet between themselves and coworkers when talking so that it is easier to disengage when a client or member walks by.
If there are around 10 members in your class, you should consider using a microphone or other device to help protect your voice from straining. If there are 10 members or less, no microphone is necessary.
The GEI should spend no more than 5 minutes explaining the workout and no more than 10 minutes performing the warm-up.
Correct answer: At 10 feet, the GEI should acknowledge the approaching member and cease their current conversation or activity. At 5 feet, the GEI should acknowledge the member with a nod or smile and give an appropriate verbal greeting.
The 10 and 5 rule is based in hospitality and applied to the health and fitness world. In order to make members feel welcome, it is important to acknowledge them as they approach you so that you can answer any question they might have. You can always pick up what you are doing later. If you do not acknowledge them, they might have a negative experience from this interaction and either make a report to management, quit the gym, or both.
The minimum distance you should be away from a client is as close as they are comfortable. In personal training and group fitness, you must help cue and correct form, which is most effective. Some clients do well if you use touch to position them, while others excel upon watching you perform the movement or hearing verbal cues. You must be proficient at each type of teaching style. The same goes for coworkers. There are varying degrees of distance (personal distance: 1.5-4 feet) given to co-workers depending on how comfortable you are with each other.
Using a microphone can depend largely on the space in which your class occupies, not necessarily just the number of people in attendance. However, if you are teaching multiple, large classes per day, you may want to consider using a microphone. Another factor to consider is the music necessary for class. Indoor cycling classes have a high intensity and the music to match; a microphone would be beneficial. A yoga class generally has soothing music and the instructor’s voice and tone should match that.
In general, roughly a 10 minute warm-up is standard and important to preparing the body for the workout. However, the 10 and 5 rule does not apply to this scenario.
What is the minimum number of days per week recommended to perform strength-based exercises?
Correct answer: 2
According to the ACSM, two days is the minimum number of days recommended to work on strength training. One day could work; however, the amount of total volume and time dedicated is too great for most people to achieve. When workouts are spread over at least two days, it is much easier to achieve enough total volume in order to make significant anaerobic adaptations.
Three or four days is ideal for many people as it allows them to spread their volume out over many days, as well as allowing for stressing certain muscle groups twice per week, which can be more beneficial than just once. However, if two days is all someone can commit to strength training, it is enough to elicit the desired results.
A group exercise instructor is having participants perform pushups on the ground. She tells them to push on the ground and that the ground will push back against them. This principle is most closely related to which of Newton's three laws?
Law of reaction
Law of acceleration
Law of inertia
Law of intent
Correct answer: Law of reaction
Newton's three laws of motion are as follows:
- 1st Law: The Law of Intertia - An object in motion or at rest will remain in this state unless acted upon by another force.
- 2nd Law: The Law of Acceleration - A change in motion of an object is proportional to, and in an equal direction to the force being applied. However, this is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
- 3rd Law: The Law of Reaction - Every time we apply a force to an object, that object applies an equal force back at us in the opposite direction.
How many vertebrae are in the lumbar spine?
Correct answer: 5
There are 5 lumbar vertebrae.
A GEI is providing a seminar on how to effectively read food labels. Which of the following is true of the "carbohydrates" section on a food label?
Often, labels will list total carbs, grams of fiber, and grams of added sugars
On a label, fiber content is never specified
On a label, added sugar content is never specified
Multiplying the grams of carbs in a product by 9 will yield the total number of calories from carbs in said food
Correct answer: Often, labels will list total carbs, grams of fiber, and grams of added sugars
Not all carbs are created equal. Fiber is present in many foods, but it does not provide calories. Added sugars are present in many foods and can provide many excess calories. For this reason, it's important to read the label and perform some quick calculations to determine how many calories in a given product are coming from carbs.
Of the following, which depicts the most ideal order of exercises?
Barbell squat, push-ups, walking lunges, BOSU shoulder press, hammer curls
Barbell squat, hammer curls, burpees, bench press, gliding disc reverse lunge
Burpees, band tricep extensions, balance board squat thruster, dumbbell bent over row
Dumbbell floor press, plank, barbell curls, barbell squat, jump rope
Correct answer: Barbell squat, push-ups, walking lunges, BOSU shoulder press, hammer curls
There is never one correct way to do any exercise. However, there can be a more ideal or beneficial way. In this case, it is preferred that big, multi-joint movements are completed first, while clients are most fresh and ready to exercise. This means that single joint exercises should be performed after squats or bench press. When comparing something like a back squat to tricep extensions, from the floor up, we have muscles like the gastrocnemius that does plantarflexion, the quadriceps extend the knee, the hamstrings and gluteus maximus extend the hip, the gluteus medius stabilizes the knee, the spinal erectors keep the back straight, the deep core abdominals stabilize the spine, the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids stabilize the upper back. This example is obviously extreme, but it helps paint a picture of how much goes into a good back squat.
Which of the following is not an important consideration for an indoor group class setup?
Correct answer: Weather
Assuming the building is up to code, the weather should have no effect on the environment of the class. Properly installed HVAC systems will allow classes to operate as normal, regardless of outdoor conditions.
The temperature should be carefully controlled depending on the type of class. High intensity classes should be kept between 60°F and 70°F, while hot yoga classes can be warmer due to the lower intensity nature of the class.
Flooring is important because it provides both shock absorption and stability. If the appropriate floor is not used, students may be seriously injured.
Making sure fresh air is being circulated helps ensure the room does not smell bad and become stale.
Which of the following is the most important consideration when designing a class focused on increasing the muscular strength of participants?
Ensuring that clients fatigue within the anaerobic window
Ensuring that there are plenty of super sets included in the workout
Ensuring that cluster sets are primarily used during the workout
Ensuring that barbells are used during the class
Correct answer: Ensuring that clients fatigue within the anaerobic window
In order to increase strength, participants must fatigue within the anaerobic window. If participants do not fatigue within this window, the gains will be more similar to endurance improvements rather than strength improvements.
Super sets and cluster sets are generally used to increase muscular endurance. Barbells are a good tool to use, but there are plenty of pieces of equipment that can be used during a strength training class.
A group exercise participant approaches the GEI asking whether or not she should start consuming more caffeine before classes. How should the GEI respond?
"Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it will raise your heart rate. I would recommend that you talk to your doctor before making any changes to your dietary routine."
"Caffeine is a great pre-workout. You can consume as much caffeine as you want."
"Caffeine is a depressant, so taking more caffeine before class could make you more drowsy and lethargic."
"Caffeine should only be consumed during or after class, not before, due to the risk of bowel irritation."
Correct answer: "Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it will raise your heart rate. I would recommend that you talk to your doctor before making any changes to your dietary routine."
GEIs have a lot of knowledge about supplements, diet, and exercise. However, they should be careful not to advise too specifically on supplement and "drug" use, such as caffeine. If they give bad advice or a person has a bad reaction based on their recommendation, they may find themselves in legal trouble.
On average, how many bones does the human body have?
Correct answer: 206
The human body generally has 206 bones, although there can be exceptions.
Which of the following statements is true regarding strength training classes?
Strength training classes can consist of purely bodyweight movements
Strength training classes are never choreographed
Strength training classes are designed only for men or high-level female athletes
Strength training classes must include movement in the horizontal plane to be considered a "true" strength-based class
Correct answer: Strength training classes can consist of purely bodyweight movements
Some people have made a career and have based their entire fitness regimen on pure bodyweight workouts. While equipment can help to provide some variety during a strength training class, it is not altogether necessary.
Strength training classes can be choreographed or nonchoreographed. Strength training classes are for everyone. Strength training classes will likely include movement in the horizontal plane, but it is not a requirement.
Select the best answer from the choices below. Regarding risk stratification and medical clearance, does a 45-year-old female client who quit smoking 3 months ago require physician supervision during maximal exercise testing?
No, this client only has one known risk factor and would be considered low risk. Low risk clients do not require medical supervision during maximal exercise testing.
Yes, this client has 2 risk factors and would be considered moderate risk. Physicians should be present when moderate risk clients undergo maximal exercise testing.
Yes, physicians should be present for all maximal exercise testing, regardless of the client's risk level.
No, this client is considered moderate risk. Clients who are at moderate risk do not require physician supervision during maximal exercise testing.
Correct answer: No, this client only has one known risk factor and would be considered low risk. Low risk clients do not require medical supervision during maximal exercise testing.
History of smoking is this client's only risk factor. Low risk clients do not need to have a physician present during maximal exercise testing. However, there are situations where it may be prudent to have a physician available, even for low risk clients. On the other hand, patients who are at moderate and high risk require physician supervision during maximal exercise testing.
A GEI notes that a participant is performing a Valsalva maneuver every time exercises start to become difficult. How should the GEI respond to this finding?
She should encourage this client to breathe normally throughout all exercises
She should encourage this client to continue this practice, as this can improve strength capabilities
She should call emergency services, as this client is likely to be in cardiac arrest very soon
She should encourage the client only to Valsalva during eccentric contractions, not concentric
Correct answer: She should encourage this client to breathe normally throughout all exercises
The Valsalva maneuver is useful (and unavoidable) during extremely heavy power lifts. However, this phenomenon of holding one's breath while lifting puts serious strain on the cardiovascular system and it is largely unnecessary during most group fitness classes. GEIs should learn to spot this issue and correct it as soon as possible.
Which of the following is not a general movement cue?
Correct answer: Audible
Audible is not one of the general movement cues.
Cueing is essential for any group fitness coach or personal trainer. It's how we quickly and concisely tell our clients key information for them to remember when exercising. A movement cue might be, "hips back first," when clients are performing a squat. You must make sure that the client also knows what the cue means, so communicate with them and ask if they understand what you are saying.
Which of the following exercises would most improve agility in participants?
Icky shuffles on an agility ladder
Shoulder presses with kettlebells
Kettlbell swings
Deep squats with bands
Correct answer: Icky shuffles on an agility ladder
Moving up and down an agility ladder in various ways is a terrific method for improving agility. Of the options listed, this is the only exercise that would improve agility. All of the others are geared toward improving strength or muscular endurance.
A group exercise instructor notices a new student who has started coming to class once per week. Assuming this is the only exercise the person gets in a week, which stage of change is she likely in?
Correct answer: Preparation
Those in the "preparation" stage of change are physically active, but are not meeting the minimum requirements for exercise.
Those in the "action" stage are physically active and are meeting the minimum requirements for exercise, but they have only been doing so for less than 6 months. Those in the "maintenance" stage are physically active, are meeting the minimum exercise requirements, and have been doing so for more than 6 months. Those in the "contemplation" stage are not currently active, but they are thinking about starting to become active.
Which of the following is true regarding the current research on music during exercise?
Listening to music while exercising on a cardiovascular machine, such as a treadmill, can have a profound effect on various physiological measures
Listening to music during group exercise classes has been definitively shown to help participants burn more calories than working out without music
There has been more research performed on the effect of music during group exercise than in any other area of health and fitness
If a participant doesn't have good rhythm, they would be better off taking a nonchoreographed group exercise class where music is not an integral component
Correct answer: Listening to music while exercising on a cardiovascular machine, such as a treadmill, can have a profound effect on various physiological measures
Research has demonstrated that music can play an important role during exercise when participants are cycling, walking on a treadmill, or using a similar cardiovascular apparatus. However, it has not yet been shown that music during group exercise changes performance or any physiological markers. This is mainly because it is very difficult to study these things in a meaningful way in a group exercise setting.
What is the smallest functional unit of a muscle?
Correct answer: Sarcomere
The smallest functional unit of a muscle is the sarcomere. It consists of actin, myosin and other proteins like troponin and tropomyosin.
A GEI is teaching participants about protein and its benefits for the human body. Which of the following is true of protein?
Protein is made up of amino acid building blocks
Protein is made up of a glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids
Protein is made up of monosacharrides
White bread is one of the best sources of protein
Correct answer: Protein is made up of amino acid building blocks
There are various amino acids, each of which can come together to make a complete protein. Proteins are critical for building tissues, such as muscles, throughout the body.
Carbs are made of monosacarrides. Triglycerides are made of glycerol and 3 fatty acids. Bread is not considered a good source of protein, when compared to many other sources.
Consider the anatomy of the acetabulofemoral joint and its associated structures. Due to the nature of this joint, what is its inherent strength and weakness, respectively?
Stability and mobility
Mobility and stability
Mobility and strength
Stability and strength
Correct answer: Stability and mobility
While the hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint similar to the GH joint, the acetabulum is much deeper than the glenoid fossa. Due to this fact and the surrounding ligaments and muscles of the hip, it is very stable. In the average untrained person, the hip joint tends to be quite immobile in all planes of motion. This can be remedied with proper stretching and mobility training.