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ACSM-GEI Exam Questions
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In which of the following situations would it be most appropriate to use indirect feedback?
A participant is holding the weights with a suboptimal hand position
A participant is continually dropping a kettlebell while attempting to perform swings
A participant is performing exercises way too close to another participant
A participant looks utterly confused by the exercise and the instructions
Correct answer: A participant is holding the weights with a suboptimal hand position
For issues that can be easily corrected with a visual cue paired with general feedback, indirect feedback is most appropriate.
When participants' safety is at risk, or a participant looks very confused by the general instructions, direct feedback is more appropriate.
What is the "FITT" principle?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
Frequency, Interval, Time, Technique
Format, Intensity, Time, Technique
Format, Interval, Type, Time
Correct answer: Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
The FITT principle gives guidelines for designing workout programs for clients. Frequency is how often workouts are done per week. Intensity determines how hard a client will work, which can change depending on what type of exercise is being done. Time is how long the workout will last. This should be manipulated based on what type of exercise is being done and also client goals. Type refers to the specific workout style. This could be strength training, steady state cardio, HIIT, yoga, etc.
What type of flooring is best suited for kickboxing classes?
Suspended hardwood
High-density EVA foam
Correct answer: Suspended hardwood
The type of flooring is an important consideration for group classes, as certain movements can be unsafe if the material doesn't meet the needs of the class. Suspended hardwood provides shock absorption due to the dense foam and surface stability when appropriate footwear is worn.
Concrete does not provide any shock absorption.
While carpet provides adequate shock absorption, it is not ideal for kickboxing as the surface is not stable enough for dynamic movements.
Foam “puzzle” flooring provides excellent shock absorption, but is not stable and tends to come apart when lateral forces are applied.
In a Pilates class, which of the following best describes the breath pattern that should be utilized?
Inhalations should occur when the extremities abduct and move away from midline, and exhalations should occur when the limbs return to the center and adduct
Exhalations should occur when the extremities abduct and move away from midline, and inhalations should occur when the limbs return to the center and adduct
Participants in a Pilates class are instructed to simply "breathe in whatever way feels most natural"
Participants in a Pilates class are instructed to hold their breath during movements and only to breathe at rest
Correct answer: Inhalations should occur when the extremities abduct and move away from midline, and exhalations should occur when the limbs return to the center and adduct
Coordinating breathing with movement is a cornerstone of Pilates classes. This is a huge area of emphasis and one that most teachers spend lots of time focusing on before, during, and after class.
A group exercise instructor is leading a class consisting of a mixture of closed chain exercises (such as squats) and open chain machine-based exercises (such as the leg press). Which of the following is an important consideration during this type of class?
Even though two movements may have similar motions and muscles used, participants may be significantly stronger with one movement as compared to another (i.e., back squats vs leg press)
If two movement patterns are the same (i.e., leg press and back squats), participants should be expected to produce equal amounts of force on both exercises
Closed chain exercises will always enable clients to produce more force than will open chain exercises
Open chain exercises will always enable clients to produce more force than will closed chain exercises
Correct answer: Even though two movements may have similar motions and muscles used, participants may be significantly stronger with one movement as compared to another (i.e., back squats vs leg press)
The posture, movement pattern, and position relative to gravity will all affect performance on an exercise. Even though the back squat and leg press are very similar exercises, clients may demonstrate extreme differences in strength production between these two movements.
Which of the following verbal cues represents the use of an analogy during pushups?
"Get down on your hands and toes, making your back as flat as a plank of wood."
"Place your hands and toes flat on the floor, then slowly lower your chest toward the ground, pushing yourself back up when you get to the bottom."
"Once you've gotten to the bottom of the rep, slowly push yourself back up into the starting position."
"If you can't perform pushups on your toes yet, feel free to go down to your knees."
Correct answer: "Get down on your hands and toes, making your back as flat as a plank of wood."
Analogies are one method of helping clients visualize and understand how to correctly perform an exercise. From here, the group exercise instructor could go on to explain the benefits of maintaining a flat back, how it will prevent injury, etc. The cues used during classes will depend largely on the knowledge of the instructor, the purpose of the class, and the goals of the participants taking said class.
As a group exercise instructor, which situation is within your scope of practice?
Performing CPR on a client who has passed out and is unresponsive
Diagnosing a client with patellofemoral syndrome upon complaints of knee pain inferior to the patella
Diagnosing an eating disorder when a client consistently reports not eating more than 300-400 calories per day
Client complains about radiating low back pain and is unable to complete most workouts
Correct answer: Performing CPR on a client who has passed out and is unresponsive
As someone who works underneath the healthcare umbrella, personal trainers and group exercise instructors play an important role in early detection of potentially serious injuries and health issues. Understanding your role in the bigger picture helps keep clients safe. As trainers, we see our clients multiple times per week, and we know when they are operating under normal conditions or if something worse is going on. Providing optimal care means knowing when to refer out to a physical therapist, a primary care physician, or a psychiatrist, etc. These more specialized health providers are trained to help with specific issues, while trainers can help clients meet fitness goals and help maintain the minor aches and pains of daily life. Performing life-saving CPR is within the scope of practice for a fitness trainer, as you are keeping the victim alive until emergency services arrive.
Any time a client’s pain persists or you are unsure about what is going on, refer them to a specialist. As a trainer, it is not your job to diagnose injuries or mental disorders. Rather, use your knowledge and experience with them to decide if they should be referred out.
Which of the following exercises should be avoided in a participant who has back pain that gets worse with compressive forces?
Barbell back squats
Supine chest press on a bench or step
TRX bodyweight rows
Modified pushups
Correct answer: Barbell back squats
By placing an extra, external load on the spine through the use of a barbell, the compressive forces would be increased.
Supine chest presses minimize the compressive forces. TRX bodyweight rows may provide some traction force through the spine, the opposite of compression. Modified pushups would likely impose very little compressive force on the spine.
What is the most abundant lever class in the body?
Class III
Class I
Class II
Class IV
Correct answer: Class III
Class III levers are the most abundant in the body. We classify levers based on the location of the fulcrum with respect to the load and effort. Class III levers are described as having the effort in between the fulcrum and the load. A common example of this in action would be a bicep curl. The elbow joint serves as the fulcrum, the bicep is the effort, and the dumbbell or other object in the hand is the load. It is important to note that the insertion of the bicep into the forearm places the effort in between the fulcrum and the load.
Class I levers are rare in the body, but the best example of this is flexion and extension of the neck. For a lever to be class I, the fulcrum must be between the effort and the load. Lastly, class II levers are categorized as having the load in between the effort and the fulcrum. The best example of this is doing a calf raise.
A GEI is instructing participants on how to progress the squat exercise. Which of the following methods would raise the center of mass higher than it is ordinarily, creating a more difficult modification?
Holding a weighted bar above the head
Performing the squat on a single leg
Performing the squat on top of a BOSU ball
Performing a plyometric squat
Correct answer: Holding a weighted bar above the head
The center of mass, or center of gravity, is a biomechanical term for the point at which most of one's bodyweight is centered. This point varies slightly between men and women and between people of different body types. By holding a weight above the head, the center of mass is raised higher, creating a more difficult exercise in terms of stability and intensity.
A single leg squat reduces the base of support of the exercise. A squat on top of a BOSU ball decreases the stability of the surface on which the squat is performed. Performing a plyometric squat increases the intensity and difficulty of the movement.
Which of the following would be an inappropriate posture or tone to employ while teaching an upbeat group exercise class?
Ending every cue with an upward inflection, as if asking a question each time
Making direct, friendly eye contact with participants
Matching the rhythm of your voice to the rhythm of the music
Maintaining a relaxed posture, while still ensuring that you demonstrate excellent form during exercise
Correct answer: Ending every cue with an upward inflection, as if asking a question each time
This speech pattern is known as "upspeak" and it can convey a lack of confidence. Group exercise participants want to have confidence in their instructor and they want to believe that the instructor truly knows what they are talking about. Therefore, taking every possible step to convey confidence is of the utmost importance.
A group exercise instructor is trying to decide between using bands or dumbbells for her strength class. Which of the following is a major difference between bands and dumbbells?
Bands provide resistance that is independent of gravity; dumbbell movements must consider the effect of gravity
Bands provide more resistance than dumbbells
Dumbbells provide more resistance than bands
Dumbbells are more dangerous than bands
Correct answer: Bands provide resistance that is independent of gravity; dumbbell movements must consider the effect of gravity
Bands are often more versatile and "friendly" for those with orthopedic limitations. For example, one can perform a chest press with bands in almost any position. With dumbbells, a chest press can only truly be performed in a supine position.
Which of the following is an appropriate tempo for an indoor cycling class?
70 beats per minute
130 beats per minute
40 beats per minute
150 beats per minute
Correct answer: 70 beats per minute
Indoor cycling classes should generally maintain a tempo of 60 to 110 beats per minute.
130 beats per minute would be appropriate for high impact, low impact, kickboxing, and some dance classes. 40 beats per minute is unlikely to be fast enough for any common group exercise classes. 150 beats per minute is appropriate for high impact classes.
What does the ACSM consider to be safe for maximum weekly weight loss?
2 lbs
1 lb
5 lbs
7 lbs
Correct answer: 2 lbs
In order for weight loss to be safe, effective, and long-lasting, it’s important to steadily lose weight over time through consistent nutrition and exercise rather than crash dieting or starvation. Creating a habit and putting consistent, daily effort into weight loss will help establish a routine that is sustainable.
It can be expected that one might lose less than 2 lbs per week but, in this case, we are looking for the maximum recommended amount of weight lost per week.
While these are recommendations and guidelines, certain individuals might experience higher weekly weight loss numbers due to being overweight or obese.
You notice one of your clients is suffering from form breakdown during a circuit. How should you go about addressing it in the moment?
Address the class as a whole and give them a cue to help remedy the issue
Address the client and give them cues on how to fix their form
Instruct them to watch another client who excels at this specific movement
Ask them to meet you after class
Correct answer: Address the class as a whole and give them a cue to help remedy the issue
The biggest difference between these approaches is that the most appropriate form of feedback does not include singling out the client while class is in session. This will likely cause significant embarrassment and discourage them from coming back. Regardless of the situation, it’s almost always embarrassing and uncomfortable to be called out in front of your peers. Giving specific cues to the class while speaking in general terms will not only help the client who is struggling, but it will also potentially help other clients.
Which of the following is true about step platforms?
Step platforms are the most popular piece of equipment pertaining to group fitness classes
Step platforms can only be used for lower body exercise
Step platforms cannot be incorporated into athletic/sports classes
Step platforms are only appropriate for high impact classes
Correct answer: Step platforms are the most popular piece of equipment pertaining to group fitness classes
Step platforms have been successfully incorporated into nearly every type of group fitness class in existence. These tools are incredibly versatile, as they can be used for upper body, lower body, high impact, low impact, stretching, and many other purposes. Experimenting with the many uses of step platforms can expand the skills of all group fitness instructors.
For someone who feels that he has no rhythm and is embarrassed by his dancing, which of the following types of cardio class would he most gravitate toward?
Boot camp
Hip hop
Correct answer: Boot camp
Of the choices listed, boot camp is the only option that is nonchoreographed. Nonchoreographed classes tend to be favored by those that want to get a great cardio workout in, but don't want to participate in a "dance" class.
Which of the following choices contains the three general categories of resistance training?
Functional, endurance, strength
High rep, low rep, medium rep
Plyometrics, isometrics, calisthenics
Running, swimming, walking
Correct answer: Functional, endurance, strength
Generally, strength/resistance training can be categorized as endurance exercise (high rep, low weight), strength exercise (low rep, high weight), or functional exercise (focus on functional, daily movements with appropriate weights).
When creating a plan for a kickboxing class, should the warm-up be general or specific, and why?
Specific - Practicing movements that will be done in class will allow students to improve their coordination while increasing heart rate and internal body temperature
General - Stretching the lower body will allow students to be more limber for class
Specific - Sparring with a partner will help students get comfortable with throwing kicks
General - Spending 5 minutes on the stationary bike will raise the heart rate and direct blood flow to the legs
Correct answer: Specific - Practicing movements that will be done in class will allow students to improve their coordination while increasing heart rate and internal body temperature
Specific warm-ups allow students to work on movements that will be performed during class. The movements also target the muscles that will be primarily used. This helps promote injury prevention.
Current research tells us that static stretching prior to intense exercise weakens the muscle’s contractile force. Stretching should be done well in advance of the bout of exercise or after it has been completed.
While a specific warm-up is ideal, sparring is not typically part of kickboxing classes. Any skills that are practiced are done on heavy bags.
Riding the stationary bike as a warm-up will be beneficial in terms of general warm-up, but it is not the most ideal exercise for preparing for a kickboxing class. The warm-up should be more specific to the intended exercise and help prepare the body for challenging movements.
What is the female athlete triad?
Low calorie intake, amenorrhea, low bone mineral density
Low calorie intake, body dysmorphia, amenorrhea
Eating disorder, chronic joint pain, excessive weight gain
Low blood pressure, iron deficiency, amenorrhea
Correct answer: Low calorie intake, amenorrhea, low bone mineral density
The female athlete triad refers to a series of negative effects stemming from low caloric intake and consistent exercise. It is common for female athletes to restrict calories. Regardless of if it is on purpose or not, this calorie restriction leads to amenorrhea, or the cessation of menstruation, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in BMD.