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Introducing our comprehensive quiz/question set to help you pass the BCEN CFRN & CTRN exam with ease! This material is specifically designed to prepare you for this important certification and equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel on exam day.

About the Exam:
The BCEN CFRN & CTRN exam is a rigorous test that measures a candidate’s knowledge and expertise in critical care nursing for both ground and transport services. This challenging exam is divided into two sections: Clinical Judgment (75%) and Professional Caring and Ethical Practice (25%).

The cost of the BCEN CFRN & CTRN exam is $370 for non-members and $325 for members of the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN). The exam is administered twice a year in April and October at various testing centers across the country. Registration for the exam can be done directly through the BCEN website.

Why Choose Our Material:
Our quiz/question set offers a convenient and effective way to prepare for the BCEN CFRN & CTRN exam. With carefully curated questions and detailed explanations, our material covers all the essential topics and concepts that will be tested on the exam. This allows you to focus your study efforts and save time by not having to sift through multiple resources.

Benefits of Our Material:
-Simulates the actual exam environment to help you get comfortable with the format and structure.
-Provides in-depth explanations for each question to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer.
-Offers additional practice questions to reinforce your understanding and identify weak areas.
-Conveniently accessible online from any device, allowing you to study anytime and anywhere.
-Presented in a user-friendly interface with detailed progress tracking to monitor your performance and improvement.
-Affordably priced to provide great value without breaking the bank.

Don’t waste any more time or money on generic study materials. Invest in our quiz/question set and give yourself the best chance of passing the BCEN CFRN & CTRN exam on your first attempt. Start your preparation today and ace the exam with confidence!