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ACSM-GEI Exam Questions
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Which of the following statements about obesity and arthritis is true?
Obese individuals are nearly 4 times more likely to develop arthritis as compared to those of a normal body weight
Obesity seems to be a protective factor against the development of arthritis, with fewer obese people reporting arthritis than those of normal weight
Obesity and arthritis are completely unrelated
Obesity is only associated with arthritis in people over the age of 65
Correct answer: Obese individuals are nearly 4 times more likely to develop arthritis as compared to those of a normal body weight
While there isn't a clear causal link, obesity and arthritis seem to be related. Obese individuals are nearly 4 times as likely to develop this condition, along with a host of other metabolic conditions.
Which of the following best describes the "calories in; calories out" theory on weight loss/gain?
If a person eats more calories than he expends through exercise and metabolic processes, he will gain weight; if a person eats fewer calories than he expends through exercise and metabolic processes, he will lose weight
Calories that come from food eaten "out" at a restaurant are generally more than those found in home-cooked food
Calories come from outside of the body, not inside
Calories come from inside of the body, not outside
Correct answer: If a person eats more calories than he expends through exercise and metabolic processes, he will gain weight; if a person eats fewer calories than he expends through exercise and metabolic processes, he will lose weight
This theory is based on basic thermodynamic principles and is one of the best sources we currently have on how weight is lost and gained in an individual. However, individuals should be careful not to eat too few calories, or else they may suffer other health consequences.
Who is responsible for making sure group fitness equipment is safe to use?
Class participants
Maintenance staff
Management staff
Correct answer: GEI
In the event of an injury during a group fitness class, the instructor is responsible for making sure all of the equipment used is safe to use. It should be noted that part of preparing for class should also include inspecting equipment prior to class to ensure client safety.
It is wise to instruct your clients to inspect their equipment and bring it to your attention if something is wrong, but ultimately, the instructor must check for themselves. The maintenance staff is responsible for upkeep of the gym and equipment. They are generally called in after something is broken. Management is responsible for logging which piece of equipment is broken and when it happened.
Which of the following options contains the 4 chambers of the heart?
Right and left ventricle, right and left atrium
Aorta, ventricle, jugular, carotid
Atrium, ventricle, aorta, jugular
Jejunum, aorta, atrium, ventricle
Correct answer: Right and left ventricle, right and left atrium
Knowing the basic anatomy and physiology of the heart and cardiovascular system can help GEIs better understand what is happening to the body during exercise. Being able to trace the flow of blood throughout the heart is an important skill all GEIs should have.
With regard to a class involving high-intensity movements such as sprints, which of the following statements is correct?
Type II muscle fibers will be more heavily emphasized
Type I muscle fibers will be more heavily emphasized
An individual's distribution of type I and type II fibers throughout the body is based purely on training adaptations
Type V muscle fibers tend to be better suited for high-intensity exercise than type II fibers are
Correct answer: Type II muscle fibers will be more heavily emphasized
Type II muscle fibers are designed for quick, explosive efforts. As a result, they tend to fatigue quickly. Type I fibers are designed for longer duration, endurance-type activities. These muscle fibers take a very long time to fatigue, but they do not provide as much power or strength output.
The distribution of muscle fiber types throughout one's body is primarily based on genetics. There is no such thing as type V muscle fibers in this context.
You are preparing for your step class next week and want to pick at least four-step approaches to use during your class. Which of the following is not an approach?
Correct answer: Around
Astride, corner, and end are all approaches to starting a new step pattern.
Which of the following is true of breathing patterns used during most yoga classes?
Upward movements should be paired with an inhalation, downward movements should be paired with an exhalation
The breath should be held during particularly hard poses
Breathing should be natural and no cueing is required for a specific pattern of breathing
Breathing should only be performed with the nose, not with the mouth during class
Correct answer: Upward movements should be paired with an inhalation, downward movements should be paired with an exhalation
Much like Pilates, pairing the breath with the movement is critical in yoga. This is a big part of the mind-body connection.
Breathing through the mouth and nose is acceptable. Breath should never be held during poses.
Which of the following is a major drawback to using barbells during group exercise classes?
Barbells only allow participants to perform bilateral exercises
Barbells only allow participants to perform unilateral exercises
Barbells cannot be easily adjusted to increase or decrease resistance
Barbells take up significant amounts of space in a group fitness class
Correct answer: Barbells only allow participants to perform bilateral exercises
While there may be some unilateral exercises an advanced participant could perform with a barbell, the implement is designed strictly for bilateral use.
Barbells can be very easily and quickly adjusted by participants in a class. Barbells take up very little room, as participants can each have their own, along with weights, at their station during class.
Which of the following statements regarding yoga is false?
Individuals with hypertension can perform any and all yoga postures without issue
Pregnant women should avoid breath retention during yoga classes
Yoga can pose injury risk if class participants attempt to stretch beyond their limits
Yoga translates from Sanskrit to "yoke" or "unite"
Correct answer: Individuals with hypertension can perform any and all yoga postures without issue
Some postures, such as downward dog, in which the head hangs lower than the heart, are inappropriate for those with high blood pressure. This position can cause excess stress on the cardiovascular system of these individuals.
Which of the following modifications would serve to significantly increase the difficulty of the bridge exercise?
Switching from two leg bridges to one leg bridges
Switching from supine to prone to perform the exercise
Slightly widening the legs during the bridge
Lying on a mat while performing the exercise instead of lying on the floor
Correct answer: Switching from two leg bridges to one leg bridges
By reducing the base of support and doubling the effort on a single leg, this modification makes bridges much more difficult.
Switching from supine to prone is not possible when performing a closed chain bridge; this modification would completely change the exercise, not make it harder or easier. Slightly widening the legs during the bridge would be unlikely to make too much of a difference, and might even make it slightly easier. Lying on a mat would do nothing to change the difficulty of the exercise.
Which of the following is the most important consideration group exercise instructors should make before using touch as a cue?
Asking the participant for consent before touching them
Whether or not the client can be better instructed using verbal or visual cues
Whether or not the client has participated in the class before
Whether or not the client appears to be in a good mood at the time
Correct answer: Asking the participant for consent before touching them
Consent is one of the most important concepts in all of exercise and healthcare as a whole. If a group exercise instructor neglects to obtain consent before touching a participant, they could face major legal consequences.
All of the other considerations in this question may be important as well, but without consent, you should never touch a group exercise participant.
Which pulse is the best to use when exercising?
Dorsal pedal
Correct answer: Radial
The best and easiest pulse to use during exercise is the radial pulse. It can be found on the lateral side of the wrist just below the thumb. Palpate with light pressure using your index and middle fingers.
The carotid artery is a common pulse to use, but it can cause some issues depending on exercise intensity, environment, and pressure used to palpate. While relatively easy to find, the carotid artery supplies blood to the brain, which can become a problem if it gets impeded. Press too hard and you can observe your blood pressure drop. In some instances, if your environment is warm and you have been exercising, it has been documented that some have passed out from taking their carotid pulse.
The dorsal pedal pulse is generally only used to make sure blood is still flowing to the lower limbs and feet. The popliteal pulse can be found behind the knee and, similar to the dorsal pedal pulse, it is used primarily to check for blood flow to the lower limbs.
For the average person, which of the following measurements is the best indicator of the relative stress a group exercise participant's body is experiencing during a class as a result of the length of the class, environmental conditions, and intensity of exercise?
Heart rate
Respiration rate
Amount of sweat produced
Subjective reports of fatigue
Correct answer: Heart rate
Apart from those on beta blocker medications, heart rate gives the best indication of how hard a person is working during an exercise class.
Respiration rate can be a good indicator of stress, but does not provide as much meaningful data as heart rate does. The amount of sweat produced does not provide an indication of the amount of stress a person's body is experiencing. Subjective reports of fatigue are important to consider, but they do not provide as much objective and meaningful data with regard to stress on the body as heart rate does.
After class, a GEI provides a short seminar on calories and weight loss. Which of the following provides the best definition of a calorie?
A calorie is the amount of energy (heat) needed to increase one gram of water by one degree Celsius
A calorie is equal to one pound of fat
A calorie is a general term for micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals
A calorie is a general term for macronutrients such as fats, carbs, and proteins
Correct answer: A calorie is the amount of energy (heat) needed to increase one gram of water by one degree Celsius
Calories are essentially our fuel source for powering all of our body processes. Calories can be thought of as a form of "gasoline" for the human engine. Calories are found in macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as in alcohol.
A group exercise instructor is teaching a small strength-based class. She has the participants loop a band around their toes, with the other end fastened to a firm, fixed point in front of them. She instructs them to bend their toes backward, putting tension through the band.
Which muscles are the participants working during this exercise?
Dorsiflexor muscles such as the tibialis anterior
Plantarflexor muscles such as the gastrocnemius
Hamstring muscles such as the biceps femoris
Quadricep muscles such as the vastus lateralis
Correct answer: Dorsiflexor muscles such as the tibialis anterior
Working the dorsiflexor muscles often requires significant set up and equipment. This is one easy method for emphasizing this muscle group.
A group exercise instructor notices that one of her regular participants has been losing extreme amounts of weight over the past few months after she had gone through a divorce. The participant avoids looking in the mirror during class and looks as if she is losing her hair.
Which of the following is a likely explanation for this phenomenon?
This participant likely has anorexia nervosa
This participant likely has binge eating disorder
This participant likely has bulimia nervosa
This participant likely has cancer
Correct answer: This participant likely has anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disorder that causes patients to have an unrealistic view of their current body weight. Most patients with this condition will be extremely thin due to overexercising, undereating, and other extreme techniques.
People with binge eating disorders are usually not underweight. People with bulimia nervosa are often of a normal weight or slightly overweight. Cancer could lead to extreme weight loss, but the unwillingness to look in the mirror and the history of mental trauma through divorce point more strongly toward anorexia.
When choosing music for a yin yoga class, what is an appropriate BPM range?
70-100 BPM
110-140 BPM
150-160 BPM
165-185 BPM
Correct answer: 70-100 BPM
For more relaxed yoga classes, the music should reflect that in order to set the right mood. A power yoga class might necessitate more intense music.
A GEI is instructing her class on the proper form for a prone back extension exercise. Which of the following muscles is an agonist for this movement?
Rectus abdominis
Pectoralis major
Correct answer: Spinalis
The spinalis muscle acts as one of the major spinal extensor muscles. While there are many muscles used to stabilize the spine and the limbs during this movement, the spinalis is the only muscle on this list that acts as an agonist during spinal extension.
Which of the following pieces of equipment is not ideal for providing resistance for bent over rows?
Correct answer: BOSU
A BOSU is meant to challenge balance and not resistance for an exercise.
Which of Newton’s laws describes acceleration?
2nd law
3rd law
1st law
4th law
Correct answer: 2nd law
Newton’s 2nd law tells us that change in motion is proportional and in the same direction as the force applied. However, it is inversely proportional to the mass, meaning as mass increases, acceleration will decrease. We can see this depicted in the function: force = mass x acceleration (F=MA).
Newton’s 3rd law is the law of reaction. A good example is when the biceps brachii exerts an isometric force on a dumbbell. The dumbbell is exerting an equal and opposite force. Therefore, the dumbbell does not move.
Newton’s 1st law is the law of inertia. In order for a weight or object to move from rest, an external force must be applied.